March 2, 2025

Why Aren’t More People Talking About This?

Author’s Note. February 28, 2025. My blog was written before the shocking, appalling, and disgraceful public fracas between President Zelensky and President Trump and Vice President Vance that occurred today. February 28th will go down in history as the day when America gave the middle finger to Ukraine and to Europe while Trump continues to play patty-cake with Putin. This represents a seismic shift in American foreign policy that has kept us and the world safe for the last 80 years. The world is now tilting on its political axis, and as long as Trump and his allies continue in power, we will be moving into a new and frightening era of history in which we have aligned ourselves with and embraced our former adversaries. 

"If you don’t fight like hell, you won’t have a country anymore."
-- Donald J. Trump, January 6, 2021.
To a woman who asked if we had a monarchy or a republic….
"A republic, if you can keep it."
-- Ben Franklin, September 17, 1787.

During the past few days of continuing national mayhem as our country continues its slide into a kind of absurdist form of fascism, I’ve been toying with the idea of writing something on the subject in a new blog. I have recently read a book on fascism called Erasing History: How Fascists Rewrite the Past to Control the Future by a Yale professor, Jason Stanley, who has written extensively on fascism, and, if I were to blog, I could draw some of my material from this book. But tonight, over dinner, as I was reading a very satirical piece in The New Yorker about the latest weirdness and antic pronouncements of a demented President, who is clearly out to destroy what’s left of our democracy, and making a series of jokes and wisecracks (or should I call them dumbcracks?) about his bizarre and reckless actions, I began to wonder: Why bother?  Parodies, not serious blogs, are the order of the day.  Besides, things are happening at such a vertiginous rate, who knows what will be next? By the time I could craft something and post it, it would probably be passé. And how could I write something serious when the whole thing seems like a cosmic jest orchestrated by our thuggish jester-in-chief who would be king, if not emperor? After all, Trump has no interest in governing; he just wants to rule like a dictator.   

Kamala Harris and many others warned what would happen if Trump were re-elected when there would be no guard rails to restrain him. But things are far worse than we could have imagined, and they will only get worse.  

Democracy is a fragile thing. Athenian democracy lasted only 180 years. Democracy in the United States has lasted 236 years, and is the oldest democracy in the modern world. But clearly, its days are  numbered.  American democracy is headed toward the abyss. Selfishly, I am glad I will be gone before it is.

That’s probably as far as I will get unless I change my mind about writing something. But, Lord, my life is hard enough as it is, and I’ve worked my whole adult life. Why not just coast while America, like ancient Rome in Nero’s day, goes up in flames?

I had written the above to a friend of mine who shared my concern and also wondered why more people weren’t talking about the fascist elephant in the room. 

But then, another good friend happened to find an article, which lately has been circulating on Facebook. She could not tell me who the author was or where it had originated. Maybe it was written by a bot, who knows? 

What she sent to me was uncanny.  As I wrote to her:

I just read the article you sent me about the parallels between Hitler and Trump. It was excellent. It’s exactly what I would have blogged about, if I had been able to write the blog I had hoped to write. I would have cited most of these same points. I don’t know if I’ll ever write about this, but I’m glad that others have. I also read a somewhat similar piece last night written by The New Yorker’s political commentator Susan Glasser.  I really appreciated reading this piece, and might send it to some of my friends. 

But tonight, I thought, “Well, why just send it to a few friends? Maybe I should send it to my list.” So that’s what I’ve decided to do here, thanks to my friend’s serendipitous and timely discovery – and with the unknowing kindness of the unknown author of this piece.

History repeating itself.

“In 1923 Adolf Hitler incited an insurrection against the German government. He was tried, given a slap on the wrist, and became a convicted felon. Despite being treated charitably by the judge, Hitler claimed the trial was political persecution and successfully portrayed himself as a victim of the “corrupt" Social Democrats

Hitler cleverly positioned himself as the voice of the "common man," railing against the "elites," cultural "degeneracy," and the establishment, who he all labeled as "Marxists." He claimed the education system was indoctrinating children to hate Germany, and promised to return Germany to greatness.

To solidify his base, Hitler masterfully scapegoated minorities for the nation's problems, exploiting societal divisions with an "us vs. them" narrative. Many Germans took the bait. Hitler's Nazi Party continued to gain traction, until he became Chancellor in 1933.

Hitler appointed German oligarchs as his economic advisors. He proceeded to privatize government run utilities, solidifying support of the economic elite.

With the working class divided along cultural and ethnic lines, the Nazis shut down workers unions and abolished strikes. Progressives and trade unionists were imprisoned and sent to concentration camps. Corporate profits skyrocketed while working class Germans lived paycheck to paycheck. 

Hitler, who became a billionaire while in office, knew he and his clan of oligarchs could get away with the scam if they constantly had an "enemy within" to blame while the corporatocracy robbed the country blind. 

An easy target was one of the smallest minorities. Hitler removed birthright citizenship rights of Jews and started rounding them up for mass deportations for being "illegally" in the country. The German press under Nazi rule highlighted instances of violence by Jews to convince the public that Jewish immigrants were a danger to the "real Germans." 

Hitler wasted no time dismantling democratic institutions. Loyalty wasn't just encouraged; it was demanded. Opponents were silenced. Media that dared to questioned [sic] him were vilified as "the enemy" and "Marxists."

Hitler's Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, bragged about how the Nazis were able to intimidate the media into giving them favorable coverage, and didn't need to give direct orders. The Nazi regime and its followers collected all books they saw as promoting "degeneracy" or what would be considered "woke" today, and burned them in large bonfires. They also burned books that promoted class consciousness

Berlin had a thriving LGBTQ community in the 1920s, and even had the first transgender clinic. The Nazis burned it to the ground. LGBTQ people were sent to concentration camps and forced to wear triangle badges. Many were killed in the Holocaust.” 


[I will interrupt this article here in order to express some of my own views and those of Stanley, which will serve to bolster the argument of the document I have been quoting by giving further examples to illustrate it.]

On May 10, 1933, some months after the fall of the Weimar Republic, and shortly after Hitler had become chancellor of Germany, one the most heinous defining acts of the new regime took place – the burning of many books, especially those by Jews. One of the primary targets was the entire archive of the Institute of Sexual Science, at the time the most extensive collection of queer theory in the world. Its director, Magnus Hirschfeld, became a target of the Nazis and was terrorized by them afterward. His Institute was later burned to the ground.

Freud’s books were also incinerated at the same time, and five years later, Freud himself was forced to flee to England. His sisters, however, were not so lucky. They all perished in Treblinka, a notorious death camp.

Of course, in this country, we don’t burn books; we ban them. One of the main themes of Stanley’s book is how important it is for fascist regimes to control the education of its youth. This is also taking place in America today, and perhaps the most flagrant example of this is what is happening in Ron DeSantis’s Florida. If you haven’t been following these worrisome developments, you might want to read about them in Stanley’s book where he covers them extensively.

Students are given a potted history of America, rooted in white supremacist doctrines and a sense of American exceptionalism – as well as a mythic past that never was.

In Florida’s schools these days, students are not told that our country was born with the double sins of the genocide of native Americans and the centrality of slavery. In fact, slavery was said to be not all that bad and did at least provide some useful tools for living. Never mind that slaves were not allowed to read. Let’s not bother to mention the Chinese exclusion act; the detention camps that Japanese-American citizens were sent to in 1942; the days of Jim Crow and the years of the Klan and lynching; the forced sterilization of poor and Black women. And so on – and on. No “critical race theory” allowed either.

Particularly troubling, of course, is the kind of sexual education – or lack of it -- that young students are exposed to. “Don’t say gay.”  Pretend that it doesn’t exist and root it out and condemn it where it does.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that DeSantis himself is a fascist, but if you are familiar with the way fascist regimes are structured, you can see that he is drawing from the fascist playbook.

Stanley notes that the Nazi education system focused particularly on national greatness. In Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, the Führer-to-be wrote:

Only those who through school and upbringing learn to know the cultural, economic, and above all the political greatness of their own fatherland can and will achieve the inner pride in the privilege of being a member of such a people.

This is what Hitler’s youth were taught, so that later they could become good warriors, wearing their brown shirts and brandishing their cudgels, and later, stormtroopers, stoking and committing violence to intimidate any opposition or resistance to the leader’s edicts.

Then there is the problem of diversity, which is quickly becoming in our country a dirty word.  Diversity, according to our President, a self-proclaimed expert on aviation, is even said to have been the cause of a recent airline collision. In any case, as in all fascist regimes, diversity is a threat and must be stamped out.

Perhaps the most shocking and shameful example of this tendency is the current attack on trans people that is now taking place in America, particularly by Republicans and led by Trump himself, whose recent diktats now make it impossible for trans people to pursue or continue their hormonal therapy. If you are a trans person in today’s America, you are now an un-person, if not stuck in transition. According to our President, again a soi-disant expert in gender studies, there are just two sexes:  male and female.  There is nothing in between or other.  This, too, is Fascism 101.

This is how Stanley sums up this litany of horrors:

These themes are essentially different ways that fascist movements stoke grievances among the dominant group they serve in order to further their aims. In the process, they are careful to eliminate any contradiction in their narrative. This would include, for example, any scholarly research revealing flaws in national myths, any form of education that clearly reveals national guilt, any suggestion that diversity and plurality might be beneficial to society, or that more equitable gender relations might be beneficial, or that the political left is significantly less of a threat than they imagine.

[Furthermore], fascist social and political movements thrive on a sense of grievance.

Sound familiar? 


[The viral post continues below.]

“The Nazis also saw manhood as under threat by independent women who didn't rely on men. In 1934, Hitler proclaimed, “A women’s world is her husband, her family, her children, her house." Laws that had protected women's rights were repealed and new laws were introduced to restrict women to the home and in their roles as wives and mothers. 

Reproductive rights were severely rolled back, and doctors who performed abortions could face the death penalty. Despite all of this, the German people didn't have a similar historical parallel to look upon as a warning. Most Germans never acted like the sky was falling.

Most just went along with their lives as usual, until many of their lives were snuffed out. By the time Hitler's reign was forced to an end by the Allied Powers, 11 million people were murdered in the Holocaust, and 70-85 million were killed in WW2


America had better wake up before it is too late.


  1. Thank you so much for this article, dear Bro. I am feeling EXACTLY the same way and deeply frustrated that people I love and those around me just keep acting like nothing is going on.

    1. Although enough people are smart enough for us to not slip into fascism, this captures Trump coming out of the fascist playbook. He is so beyond comprehension that I wonder if the universe delivered him to crash a system that needed upheaval.

  2. Thank you for this piece. I knew there were parallels to Hitler and his rise to power, but I was unaware of the extent. I hope that you will not mind, but I plan on clipping at least part of this blog and posting it to Facebook for my friends to see. I will acknowledge though that I am borrowing it from another's blog.

    1. Ken Ring emailed me and said to give you this message: Thank you for your comment and that it would be fine with him for you to post an excerpt from his blog on your FB page.

  3. Dear Ken, thank you for this edifying - and terrifying - blog. In this age of fake news, facts must be stated and historical truth told. Indeed, what is unfolding before our eyes has all the hallmarks of fascism. One of its characteristics is to crush the weakest: humiliating and ridiculing a president who has fought so courageously alongside his people for three years. During this horrible press conference, Trump and Vance had staged it all, and Zelensky has fallen into their trap, overwhelmed as he was by his emotions and his burning desire to explain why he can't accept a ceasefire without solid guarantees.
    There is one word I can't stand anymore: DEAL, make a deal, for example, stealing minerals from a war-torn country. And this is supposed to be art of the deal? This is not the America we all love.
    Let's hope the mid-term elections will put an end to this madness, but in two years’ time, a lot of damage can be done.
    With hugs from your Swiss friend.

    1. Regarding your Trump DEAL aversion, the presidency gave him a business. That's all. Everything he does is for business success. He isn't negotiating among countries for good outcomes, he's making deals. He doesn't care at all about us. Just look. He's not raging. Self-satisfaction beams from him. What happens to the country is not his concern, but the byproduct of doing things on behalf of himself.


  4. As a nursing student, I was taught that the doctor assisting with delivering a baby would default to naming a baby “girl” when not sure if the child was male or female. This determination was noted on the birth certificate. The American Medical Society notes this practice as “sex assigned at birth.” Sex assigned at birth is not only guesswork but based on the belief that sex is a binary and fixed characteristic.

    Gender identity is a person’s view of whether they are a man, a woman, or nonbinary. Historically, gender assignment at birth was based on the belief that sex is a binary and fixed characteristic rather a spectrum. Gender identity may not align with sex assigned at birth.

    Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth. (American Psychological Association)
    Per Jules Boykoff and Satoko Itani: The endgame of trans demonization is death. Not only social death, but actual death. The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed legislation banning transgender girls and women from participating in sports. If this bill becomes a law, it will cost human lives.
    Recent research found that state-level anti-transgender laws increased the rates of suicide attempts among transgender and nonbinary youth.
    Source: The steady flow of anti-trans bigotry in sport was the gateway to full-throttle demonization under Trump. by Jules Boykoff and Satoko Itani
    Posted at Bluesky

    Susan L. Schoenbeck MSN, RN

  5. Brian Anthony KraemerMarch 2, 2025 at 4:51 PM

    I don't know if there's any research been done on average time between a person's death and a subsequent reincarnation, but for several years I've been pointing out that Adolf Hitler killed himself with a bullet to his own head on April 30, 1945, and Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. Subtracting 280 days (40 weeks) from Trump's birthdate, places his conception at roughly September 27, 1945, exactly 150 days after Hitler's death.

    I am quite confident that everything in life is working out in the ultimate sense, but life sure can be hell in the interim here on this planet. I do not understand it. I do not know my role in it. I just wanted to have a nice time and die in my sleep. This entire situation is bizarre beyond words. My fundamentalist "born-again" Christian friend recently sent me a photo of himself kissing a bronze statue of Donald Trump. What insane world are we living in?

  6. Right as always, Ken. Ugh. So sad to see something that could have been so amazing turn to such shit. I will do my best as the "target" demographic to fight back. Already spreading flyers around to keep people informed about what's been going on.
    Thanks for everything, Ken. Nothing but Peace and love for you.
    Kate K from PA (Used to be CT!)
