
January 7, 2025

Handwringing about Handwriting

Not long ago when junior high school students had to take the PSAT, an “audible gasps broke out in the room” when students learned they would have to write a sentence in cursive.  One student complained:  “Cursive? Most students my age have only encountered this foreign language in letters from grandma.”  It’s even more doubtful that they’ve even heard or of could identify such once celebrated cursive styles as Spencerian script (which always reminds me of Emily Dickinson, since it’s written with a distinct slant).

According to the author of a recent book called The Extinction of Experience, which is about the extent to which we now live in a largely technological world of mediated experience, “handwriting is disappearing.” This is hardly news, of course, but what most people don’t know is how much is being lost as a result of our present-day love affair with a life of swiping, tapping, typing and clicking. But you are about to find out.

First of all, many children these days are not even taught to write in, much less read, cursive script. Fully one-third of students in a recent study were unable to write legibly in cursive. And children who can’t write in cursive can’t read it either.  Let them try to read the original version of the Declaration of Independence.  Good luck!

But adults, too, now long away from having once written in cursive, can barely scrawl their name on a check. Take my son Dave, for example. I would defy anyone to figure out his name from looking at the signature on his checks, which seems to have been written in Chinese. Pastry chefs are beginning to complain because their assistants can no longer write a legible “happy birthday” on their cakes. Of course, doctors are notorious for their illegible handwriting. But this can have serious consequences.  For example, a woman in Texas won a $450,000 award from a jury because a pharmacist could not read a doctor’s signature and gave the women’s husband the wrong medicine, which killed him. Like any other habit, if you don’t practice it, it will atrophy. That seems to be the fate of handwriting for most people today.

What do we lose when handwriting goes the way of the dodo? As we will see, we lose or weaken various cognitive skills, and as Christine Rosen, the author of the book I mentioned above, states:

We also lose the pleasure of using our hands and a writing implement in a process that for thousands of years has allowed humans to make our thoughts visible to one another.  We lose the sensory experience of ink and paper and the visual pleasure of the handwritten word.  We lose the ability to read the words of the dead.

Thousands of years of writing – gone in a trice as we abandon the ways of our ancestors for the convenience and efficiency of our keyboards and iPhones.  Pity the poor archivists of today who have to spend their careers trying to decipher the handwritten letters of George Eliot.

As Rosen puts it, “Shifting from handwriting to keyboarding is in fact a shift away from one way of being in the world to another, with consequences that are more complicated than they might at first appear.” Let’s begin to examine some of those consequences now by focusing on the costs of doing without handwriting skills.

A study by a neuroscientist at Indiana University of young children found after using a functional MRI that practicing handwriting was superior to just having to type or trace letters.  The scientist concluded:

Handwriting is important for the early recruitment in letter processing of brain regions known to underlie successful reading and may facilitate reading acquisition in children.

In short, writing by hand, unlike tracing a letter or typing it, seems to prime the brain for reading.

Several other studies point in the same direction. One such study showed that children who demonstrated superior handwriting performed much better on a variety of tasks related to reading efficiency and other cognitive skills.  For example, they had better word recognition and reading skills, better recall of the words they wrote, and were more successful in expressing ideas.  They even reported that they enjoyed learning more than students with poorer handwriting.  “Handwriting,” this researcher concluded, “is also a memory process for letters – the building blocks for written language.”

In a follow-up study, this researcher, Virginia Beminger, found that students who practiced handwriting were better at planning and remaining attentive to their work. The advantages of learning to write were so obvious that the researcher concluded that children should learn both cursive and printing before learning to use a keyboard since, as many other studies have found,” starting around fourth grade, cursive skills conferred advantages in both spelling and composing” written words. Alas, this sound empirically-based advice will never be heard, much less heeded. by most parents today.

What about older students, e.g., those in college?

Here, too, the results of various studies point to the drawbacks of using laptops instead of writing by hand. One study, for instance, found that “even when laptops are used solely to take notes, they may still impair learning because their use results in shallower processing.” Furthermore, according to Rosen, in three separate studies, it was found that students using laptops performed worse on conceptual problems compared to students who took notes by hand. In summary, we retain information better when we write by hand because the slower pace of writing forces us to put things into our own words rather than merely transcribing them robotically on our laptops. Speed may not kill, but it does not seem to confer any advantages when it comes to learning. In fact, quite the opposite.

Researchers who study the increasing use of laptops and social media as opposed to handwriting documents worry about the consequences of living in our digital age when handwriting has almost become a lost art.  It may be that we have unwittingly entered into a kind of Faustian bargain in which we have sacrificed the benefits of traditional learning for the fool’s gold of technological efficiency and speed. As Rosen puts it:

It is popular to assume we have replaced one old-fashioned tool for with a more efficient alternative… But we are not accounting for what we lose in this tradeoff, and for the unrecoverable ways of learning and knowing, particularly for children. A child who has mastered the keyboard but grows into an adult who still struggles to sign his own name is not an example of progress.


Of course, I’m aware of the irony that in writing about the drawbacks of our digital age – and in praise of the disappearing art of handwriting – I’m using my computer.  I’m one of those persons who, long ago, gave up writing by hand and switched my allegiance to my keyboard.  But, on the other hand (no pun intended), I was lucky to have grown up during an age – the dark ages, you will probably say – when in school we students could only write in cursive (or print).  But unlike my girlfriend Lauren who writes in an elegant script which I’ve always admired, my handwriting as a child and teen-ager was ungainly and unattractive. And when I got into college, I quickly made use of typewriters, at least to write my letters.

But when it came to writing my papers for my classes, I wrote everything by hand, which I doubt my professors appreciated. And, of course, when taking exams, I had to write my answers in what were then called "blue books." In those days, we had no choice. We had to write by hand. So, writing in cursive was not just a default option; it was our only one. 

When I become a professor myself and started writing my articles and books, I still wrote in cursive – until the secretaries objected because they could not read my execrable handwriting. After that, I switched to printing, but I still wrote out everything. I didn’t use a typewriter for my professional work. I remember I eventually developed a little nodule on the forefinger of my right hand from overuse in writing so much.

By the time computers came in, for me in the early 1980s, I quickly, avidly and gratefully made the switch to the keyboard-centered life.  I would not have been able to write my more than twenty books without my succession of trusty iMacs. But, still, there are many things I mourn about the passing into obsolescence of handwriting, which will soon, I fear, become just a memory of a bygone age.   

For example, take books.  I grew up with books and I still have many hundreds on my bookshelves.  In the course of my life, I have owned thousands of books. And books are still being written of course.  But now there are more e-books published every year than those in print.

Then there is the distinctiveness of a person’s handwriting. You can tell a lot about a person from his or her handwriting. Ask any reputable graphologist.

But that distinctiveness is lost with the uniformity of a digital text. The written word conveys more information than one generated by a computer.  This, too, is a loss.

And speaking of uniformity, what’s even worse and more troubling now that we live in the age of AI is that we can no longer be sure when we receive something on our computer or smart phone that it hasn’t been generated by a bot.  And it can even send us a facsimile of a written letter. Scary.

In the days when people handwrote letters, we often looked forward to receiving them, and when they were special to us, we may have preserved and cherished them. But when letter-writing went out of fashion, we were left with impersonal e-mails.  Who bothers to re-read e-mails even if we preserve them in our computer files?

In literature, such as detective stories, or some of the novels of Dickens like Bleak House, the plot may hinge on a written letter that might suddenly turn up. That’s not likely to be the case for any novels written today. 

Today, we live for speed, the faster the better. There are studies that show people are increasingly impatient for something to download.  If it takes more than a few seconds, they often give up. Waiting, as Rosen points out, is no longer acceptable.  It has to be NOW.

But writing, especially writing books, takes time. The average person can type 40 words a minute, but only write 13. Many novelists talk about the importance of slowing things down so they can think through their plot lines and other literary devices.  Slowness is not a fault; it can be a virtue.

Some years ago, I read a then popular book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig. One of the themes of that book was the importance of working slowly with care. It’s not just about fixing your bike but your life.  

All of these things are in danger of passing away, along with handwriting, as we move deeper into our technologically dominant world that cherishes speed and efficiency above all things.

There are, of course, other dangers to which we are now subject owing to our reliance on non-face-to-face interactions. We are wired for social contacts, but our increasing reliance on social media has already provided an abundance of evidence of the harm it can do. A few years ago, for example, the Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, in his book Together, pointed out how social media are fostering an epidemic of loneliness and disconnection from others and decreasing empathy, a finding that Rosen’s book also supports.

A troubling pattern is the rise in adolescents across the country of increasing rates of suicide, with youth of color and LGBTQ+ youth most affected—all against a backdrop of teens in general reporting high levels of hopelessness, sadness, loneliness, and suicidal ideation. And of course, there is the now well recognized problem of addiction to social media.  The list could go on, but I won’t since this blog is already long enough.

I will only add that I don’t think you can get addicted to handwriting. The pen is still mightier – and safer – than the mouse.
I will just let Rosen have all but the last word.  As she notes in the conclusion of her book:

We know... that the more time we spend in sedentary interaction with our screens, the higher the national obesity rate and increase in related physical ailments.  Likewise, an epidemic of mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, particularly among young people, has occurred in tandem with increased time spent on social media platforms. 

But this is the world we must all live in, and of course, it goes without saying that despite its perils, we have many reasons to celebrate it and be grateful for everything it has made possible.  


But let’s not forget to provide our kids with the tools of cursive and make them cognizant of the virtues of handwriting before they become fascinated with their technological toys. That way they will have a basis for living in both worlds, and we will all be better off for that.

Otherwise, this is the way we may come to live if we are not wise enough to wake up to the dangers posed by the over-use of social media in this brave new world of ours:

Finally, I encourage you to read Christine Rosen’s book, The Extinction of Experience, which warns us of the dangers of overly relying on experiences mediated by technological gadgets by which the stars in the heavens are only seen on a screen instead of outdoors with what used to be called “our naked eye.”

1 comment:

  1. Brian Anthony KraemerJanuary 7, 2025 at 2:26 PM


    I want to respond to your latest writing by turning to the Old Testament, to the book of Exodus, chapter 20, verse 4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." I'm not Jewish nor Christian, but I find this command fascinating, that some writer several thousand years ago was concerned that creating images of nature would detract from Nature herself, or in this case, from God himself.

    How many people are so busy taking selfies that they neglect eye-to-eye contact with a possible lover? How many are posting pictures of their latest meal or trip to wherever while neglecting their own bodily pleasure of satiation and adventure? I remember wanting to write books as a much younger man and deciding that for that time period I needed to live life and not miss a single moment documenting it and that's exactly what I did. I lived it. I breathed it. I ate it. I slept it. I made love to it.

    There did come a day for writing books, but I think perhaps that day is over for me as well. I also spent a considerable number of years reading countless, and I mean countless near-death experiences, after-death communications, ghost encounters, telepathy, clairvoyance, and all the other aspects of the paranormal and one day, the Higher Power, said to me, "You don't need to read any more examples of near-death experiences. You need to believe the first one." That was it. That was the message and wow, did that message hit me. We race around physically, intellectually, emotionally trying to gather as much material to satisfy some longing of our soul while neglecting the profound, ineffable, fully-satisfying reality of a single leaf, a single praying mantis, a single woman or man, a single blade of grass. The grandest is to be found in the smallest. In the words of the Old Testament again, "God speaks in a whisper."

    So, thank you again for bringing me pleasure in reading your thoughts. I'm grateful beyond words for a keyboard. As a pianist, I've always been a natural on a keyboard, whether with 88 keys on a piano or 104 keys on a computer. I remember typing my university papers on a Brother electric typewriter in the early 1980s and I was such a perfectionist that I would get increasingly nervous about making a typing error the closer I neared the bottom of a page until I finally botched it up on the second to the last line or even the last line. I tore out the paper and started the page again. I must have spent at least two years of my lifetime retyping papers to make them "perfect."

    Well, enough for now. Thank you, Ken. I don't know what the future holds for the intelligence of humanity. I know that over fifty percent of the people in this country who even bothered to vote elected the most corrupt, arrogant, narcissistic, vulgar, and soulless man available. We don't have to wonder about the future of intelligence when it is staring us in the face already.

    My hope is not in this world that we see with our eyes, but in that which is unseen, ineffable, and eternal. There are an estimated two trillion (2,000,000,000,000) galaxies in the universe and I am confident they (we) are doing quite fine.
